Wednesday 29 September 2010

Fotona Fractional T3 Photo Rejuvenation Treatment: Skin and Laser Clinic Tunbridge Wells- Ugly duckling to beautiful swan

Congratulating myself this week on a new job, helping people with alcohol addiction, I decided that before the hard work begins in two weeks time, I was again to drive the 40 mile round trip to Tunbridge Wells to the Skin and Laser Clinic for a treat especially for me.  To say I am a fan of their treatments would be an understatement.  I love it there, it makes you feel so good after a session of pampering.  Plus they have treatments which I have never heard of before but we will come to that later. You can look on their website

I had arranged for the T3 photo rejuvenation treatment, which is a laser and I was more than a little nervous.  Before I came to the appointment I kept on thinking, "How does it not form big lumps under the skin?" "Will it be painful?" "How does it not burn your skin?" "Oh dear, the drama queen part of me was doing it's best to wreck the relaxations side of this treatment", I thought out loud, "Pull yourself together Dawn, ask more questions if you're unsure when you get there!"

So on arrival I was met and welcomed by Toni the Assistant Manager, I enjoyed a large chiiled glass of water and then met my therapist/nurse for the laser treatment , her name was Aksana, what a pretty name.  Aksana explained that the treatment would be carried out in two seperate rooms, the first to cleanse and exfoliate my skin and then to move to the room with the laser.  Poor Aksana, within seconds of getting through the door I was babbling loads of questions that I needed to ask and get some answers to.  Aksana explained that the procedure was very safe, it works on the layer under the skin it would "Do the three T's, Tone, Tighten and improve the Texture." Laying my fears to rest she thoroughly went through exactly what she was going to do.  Lumps in my face (drama queen) were not an option either, this just wouldn't happen, it stimulates the growth of  new collagen production by producing localized thermal injury to the dermis that initiates a wound-healing response and the improvements take place over a period of time.  If anything Aksana comfortingly reassured me that my skin will feel smoother, pores would present as smaller and tighter skin would be evident.  Aksana asked if I minded if another member of the nursing staff was present during the treatment, the more the merrier I thought, hoping more people to help if I really let my nerves get the better of me.

Lying down in the laser room, I had been cleansed and exfoliated and then Aksana described what was going to happen next.  All members of the team had to wear protective glasses and I would also need to wear them too, only mine were slightly different.  Their glasses were more like small skiing goggles but mine were silver and like large ants eyes, they covered my eyes with muslin/cotton wool underneath for extra comfort and protection.  Running verbally through how the laser was going to be passed over my skin in three different directions all over my face, upper lip and my neck but not decolletage, as I was not having that area treated. Aksana discussed that once this had happened she was going to then change the nozzle on the laser and then the second pass would be hotter than the first pass.  I have to admit I was very very nervous, despite the fact that we had spent ages chatting through the procedure, risks e.t.c I was still apprehensive and unsure but determined all would be fine because I have nothing but respect for the way the clinic treat their clients and it always seems so clean and professional.  So here we go!!!  I could feel me clenching my hands together in anticipation and specualtion of what it was going to really be like experiencing the laser and what the results would show at the end of the day and the next day to.

Eyes shut and covered, my hands clenched tight and occssionally writhing around my nuckles, Aksana told me she would talk to me all the way through, so I knew exactly what she was going to do next.  She was brilliant, as the laser was passed over my cheeks it made a clicking beep sound and with every click it felt a little warmer, it wasn't too hot and quite bearable.  Click/beep, click/beep, click/beep, click/beep, click/beep done and then she moved onto the next area, the warmth subsides quickly.  After the three directional passes, I could feel my cheeks flushing, not burning but just like you'd danced with gusto, passion and then sat down. When Aksana run the laser overy my forehead that appeared very sensitive and hotter and she used a cooler onto the skin to help.  Blasts of cool air hit my forehead and it felt wonderfully chilled.  At one point it felt like my skin felt tighter already, I commented on this during the laser treatment. Three passes had been completed over both cheeks, forehead, under my eyes but not to near them, on my chin and under my neck ( I hate my neck, turkey gobbler on the way, been exercising and trying to loose weight to reduce it). 

Aksana spent some more time reassuring me about the next part of the treatment.  "I am going to pass the laser across the skin again but this time it will get hotter.  When you feel it is hot enough for you please tell me and I will move onto the next part to treat".  "Ok, I will let you know", I experienced more nerves at this point "How much hotter will it get?" "Am I going to burn myself if I don't say stop if it gets too hot?"  Again my drama queen head was wrong, as the laser passed over my skin as it got hotter I just said "yes" and  Aksana moved on, it was definately hotter than the first passes but I think through nerves and the unknown I was quite conservative with my "Yes's" "Yes," Yes, " Yes" but she always stopped as soon as I said yes so I felt in control.  We chatted after the treatment finished and I was shown my face in the mirror, I was laying down and looked a little puffy in the face but I think that's because I was horizontal, I didn't look puffy when I looked in the mirror at home.  Today is the next day after the T3 and I can see my neck is not so wrinkly than yesterday, I am begining to see a difference in my face already, the skin feels tighter.  I saw my reflection today and my neck is improved.

The clinic reccomends 3 treatments, I have another one booked for about 4 weeks time and I am going to their Juvederm open evening on Thursday 7th October and I believe you can just ring up and book a place, I saw a poster in the clinic for the evening but places are limited so get ringing the number is 01892 535577.  If you can go come and find me so we can have a chat if you've read my blog, ask me questions about my treatments I am more than happy to give you my opinion and truthful answers.  Getting back to vast array of treatments listed, whislt I was there I was offered a medical pedicure instead of the the traditional pedicure.  I had never heard of a medical pedicure so I decided to give it a go, they had to be very brave to face my feet but that's my next blog.  Happy days, just off to look at my face again and see how I am turning from an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan :-) Changes are supposed to take place over the next few months on my skin as the collagen renews itself and because I have another appointment booked in four weeks I will keep you updated on the progress the treatment has on my skins tone texture and tightness of the skin.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the nice blog about the Fotona Fractional T3 Photo Rejuvenation Treatment. Really a great blog!!

    Laser facial resurfacing tunbridge wells
