Wednesday 24 August 2011

Microdermabrasion facial at Skin and laser Clinic Tunbridge Wells.

Tamara met me and said "Hello", introducing herself,  what a lovely lady. My facial had been booked after taking part in some filming for the Laser and Skin Clinic in Tunbridge Wells.  The facial was brilliant and left my skin feeling very refreshed and extremely clean.  I felt very relaxed during the proceedure, my skin was cleansed and then the dermabrasion took place. Tamara explained that it lifts away the layer of dead skin, therfore revealing fresh and youthful skin afterwards. Tamara also massaged my arms and shoulder area, the dermabrasion was also applied to my neck too. When I left the clinic, my skin felt pretty good and on arriving home I could feel a slight redness to my skin but nothing of any significance, let's call it a youthful glow!!  Seriously though, it was a great treatment and Tamara was a very kind and professional lady.  Once again a good experience at the clinic, it is a tonic like no other.  Thanks Tamara for a fab treatment and such a lovely lady to chat to whilst I had my facial (my choice I needed a good chat too)

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Second Fotona Fractional T3 Laser Treatment at Skin and Laser Clinic in Tunbridge Wells

Busy back at work now, I never seem to have 5 minutes to myself.  I have so many clients’ needing help and a very busy life at home too, so when I arrived at the clinic today, to sit down for five minutes quietly was great. Glistening chandeliers in the clinic remind me of the glamour of films, there’s a nice feel to the place. No tension today, I felt an awful lot more confident this time with the second treatment with the T3 Fotona Fractional Laser, as I knew what to expect.  I didn’t grit my teeth with anxiety this time, I admit I was exceptionally nervous the first session but let me reassure you, relax you don’t need to worry.  Natasha’s assistant cleaned my skin and as usual their bright cheery smiles were a pleasure to see, after a very intense week at work.  Natasha explained that this time she would raise the heat more but if I was at all concerned or not comfortable with it, for me to let her know.

My first treatment had been four weeks ago and some people did mention how well I was looking, (nice to get a compliment). I could see a difference in the top of my lip to the left, the lip lines did not look as deep as they did and also my neck didn’t seem as saggy!  I had been really pleased with the first Laser session and pretty much keen for the next one.  I have been thinking of getting Juvederm in to the lips but will now see how the lines around my mouth continue to improve as they are already doing so wonderfully.

Cleanliness in the treatment rooms is a priority at the clinic and I have never seen anything that concerns me, in fact it is always very spotless.  Being a bit over cautious about germs and that’s one thing you do not have to even think about at the Tunbridge Wells Skin and Laser Clinic because they are highly trained and it shows in their work and the environment. It is definitely kept scrupulously clean and if it wasn’t I would say.

So my facial skin had been cleaned several times and there were a few giggles as I lay on the treatment couch whilst Natasha and I shared a joke or two.  I felt incredibly relaxed.  Coupling my hands so they felt warm, then Natasha placed on the cotton wool pads and special glasses essential to protect my eyes, I experience a nice chilled out feeling.  Unwinding Natasha enlightened me about the following treatment.  As she had previously said she will increase the heat but could use the cool air if I found it unpleasant. 

Describing thoroughly how she would make the treatment intensify and enhance the use of the Laser more to encourage the collagen to be stimulated and regenerate was informative.  So Natasha started, a beeping and slight clicking sound gently fills the air as the Laser is moved across the skin in patterns of clear movement; to make sure the whole face is covered.  It seemed to take a lot more time than the last session but Natasha explained I would notice more of a difference this time because I was not so nervous I was able to withstand more heat and I realised it was not going to hurt me.  I could feel the heat required for the treatment to be effective but I was not in the least in any pain, a couple of times I whispered “Oh a bit hot”, and within a second, Natasha had removed the laser.  Although Natasha is the one holding the Laser you never sense being out of control because she really listens to you during the treatment and is talking and explaining the crucial information about what’s going on and what she is going to be doing next.  I ascertained the T3 is good for Skin tightening, toning, texture, blood vessels and age spots and lines/wrinkles.  As the Laser continued to be passed over my whole face, I could feel the heat turning my face red, a nice warm glow, just how I imagined like sitting in front of a roaring log fire.  On my last treatment my face was reddened but the blush really disappeared very quickly, so I wasn’t in the least bit worried. Whilst lying having the second treatment I was getting quite excited and eager to see how my skin would be after this Laser treatment.  Natasha said I would see a difference in the next couple of days.

So today is one week after my second T3 Fotona Fractional Laser session and sorry not to sound like I am being big headed but the difference it has made to my face is outstanding.  I get up and my skin is glowing.  Without one shred of doubt my skin on my neck is nowhere like it was, it has improved no end, and it is much tighter and not sagging.  My lips seem to have enhanced to what they were in the respect of the lip lines.  My lip lines were pretty deep but have virtually disappeared compared to what they were like before the 1st Laser treatment.  Around the side of my eyes, there are no lines or wrinkles and to be honest I was in the past having botox round the eyes but 100% wouldn’t need it there now.  I think I look younger and quite a few people have commented on how magnificent my skin is looking.  Meeting my friend for lunch today she said “Your skin is looking amazing”, I grinned like a Cheshire cat as I sipped my fizzy mineral water.  “Thanks”, I then went on to explain all about the Tunbridge Wells Skin and Laser Clinic and what beautiful treatments I have received there.  She’s going to make an appointment soon; she expressed how impressed she was.  It’s a strange but nice feeling since I had the Laser treatments as my skin feels, clean, bright, tight, toned and open if that makes sense, like a flower opening up from a slightly wrinkled bud into something quite special and wide eyed.  I know that sounds a bit odd but I can honestly say, I definitely sense and believe the T3 has seriously made a massive change in the problem areas of my face and neck. What are you waiting for? It’s like a magic wand and Natasha said my skin will keep on improving. 

Before I left the clinic, I also recieved another treatment that lasted for 15 minutes and this was called LED Lumi 8.  It is a light treatment which enables collagen stimulation and skin tightening.  It also rejuvenates and helps with healing tissue of the skin.  It is anti-aging and detoxes the skin which makes it feel brilliant and fresh. Iisntense LED facial system that offers painless non invasive ttments
Thank you Natasha for cheering me up no end and a superb treatment.  Not sure if I will be going to get the recommended three sessions but if I do will keep you posted.

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Juve'derm Ultra 3 and 4 facial fillers at The Skin and Laser Clinic Tunbridge Wells

Excitement and apprehension filled the car.  Rachel and I were off to The Skin and laser Clinic in Tunbridge Wells, about a 20 mile journey or so from our house.  I had been asked by Toni the assistant Manager if I would like to be a model for the evening for a Juvederm event? Try and stop me, I have had fillers in the past called Restyalne,  over the last 8 years as I have a bit of a problem where the sides of my mouth droop slightly making me look a little like a bulldog just aquiring their features :-)  and there are dips just under the corners of my mouth which look ageing. I'd asked Toni if she needed another model and Toni said they were looking for a model to try cheek filler, I knew I had the ideal candidate, my lovely close friend Rachel.

Buzzing with energy we were asking each other how we thought the evening and fillers would work out? Wondering how the fillers would compare to the old filler we'd had in the past.  On arrival at the clinic we were greeted as always with big smiles and a very warm welcome and to make it really special a chilled glass of champagne.  We checked we were allowed to have it prior to our treatment as we were concerned that it may thin the blood and make us bleed a little more at the injection site but we were told to enjoy it and we did, eyes sparkling as we raised our glasses to our faces !!!

Quickly after arrival we were taken to a treatment room and they applied some numbing cream, it was funny, everyone was laughing and commenting that I looked like I had a big droopy white moustache but still managed to sip my champagne as my numbing cream got to work.  I was able to spend some time speaking to the lady from the company who made Juvederm and she was explaining to Rachel and I that the Juvederm already contained a local anaesthetic called lidocaine so the Juvederm would also numb as it was injected.  In the past when I was injected with Restylane my toes curled, my teeth were gritted and my hands rolled into fists whilst the injections were put in.  I was interested to see how Juvederm would vary to the old filler and was it going to be "OUCH, OUCH" or was it going to be bliss?  Well as blissful as any injections could be. Friends of ours arrived and came and said "Hello", it was a nice little meeting as we waited for the invited guests to watch the procedure.  I know as I have started to age the nasal lines to my mouth have deepened but my droopy mouth made me look somewhat miserable like Wednesday night and I then I realise I haven't won the lottery again.

Continuing to listen intently to the Juvederm representative, I was informed the Juvederm would rehydrate the skin and replace the loss of volume in my lower face, she said it would not feel lumpy and it was a smooth gel of excellent quality and a trusted safe product.  Explaining clearly that Juvederm is not granular so it flows easily into the skin and it will result in a youthful and natural contour exactly where I wanted it.  "Give it to me now!"  It sounds wonderful and boy do I need it.  My visit to get fillers done was long overdue but after breaking my leg in a skiing accident had left me unable to drive and not get about too easy.  Juvederm comes in different grades and the grad they were going to use for my facial filler was Juvederm ULTRA 3 and Rachel was going to have Juvederm ULTRA 4. 

Before I left home I had asked my husband to take some before shots with our camera, they are not brilliant but you can see from the photo's I take after the procedure that there is a superb improvement but let's get to what it felt like now.  Guests filed in and clutching their chilled champagne, everyone watched the injections being done and it was also put on a large screen so all eyes could see the procedure close up.  You will not see me sporting a nose like Pinocchio as I can honestly say the injections were the most painless I have ever had, I could feel a slight tingle as the needle went in but my teeth were not gritted, my toes relaxed and although my hands were curled around each other that was because I was still apprehensive but that was a waste of emotions as it was virtually painless for me.  I could feel the needle going in like slight pressure but no pain.  I was first injected just under the nose to the left on the facial nose to mouth lines, then  Dr Nina Sheffield made her way down the lines to my lips and then the area of my face which needed help badly and my mouth raised up into a beautiful shape.  Everything was very clinical and kept scrupulously clean during the whole time.  The room is mostly white in decoration and you can see how much cleanliness is a priority.  I could see my face transforming on the screen and everyone who was watching had been given a talk about Juvederm from the rep and they were invited to ask me questions and also come and talk to me after the event for a closer look.  After the treatment I was given a mirror to look in close up and I thought my face was absolutely brilliantly done.  It seemed a lot less injections than when I had the other product so that was strange and yet the results were fantastic in a very short space of time, I could have had it done in my lunch hour and back to work. 

My face appeared a bit red at the injection sites for a while but ten minutes later people were saying "You look great!" I felt great, I could see immediate results and I was in no way dissapointed but very excited about the next morning too when I can put on my make up and face the world with my new face, it was a major difference and I loved it.  Lots of guests asked me tons of questions "Did it hurt?" "No, it was fine", "Does it feel lumpy/" "No it feels smooth, a little tender but no it felt soft to touch", "Would you have it again?" "Most definately yes and I have been thinking about getting my lips done but very very subtle." 
The costs vary as there are different grades but the clinic will always give a consultation prior to the treamtent and you would then know how much the Juvederm you would need would cost.  I had a glass of chilled water as I was driving and as I drank the water I joked how I was trying out my new face to see if it worked and guess what it worked perfectly.

Rachel then took her place for her treatment, this was fascinating as although both of us have had fillers before we had never seen an enhancement for the cheeks.  Rachel thought they would inject under the cheek bone to build up the cheek but in fact they injected onto the top of the cheek.  it was amazing to watch it being done, everyone was captivated.  They seem to inject like a triangle shape into the cheek but it lifts the cheek, side of the nose to mouth lines and transformed Rachel's face instantly into a youthful and plump looking gorgeous woman.  It was performed very quickly indeed but expertly too, this was carried out by Dr. Barbara Kubicka.  When rachel sat up she had two very rosy plump looking cheeks, she looked a tinsy bit like her grandaughter, she looked so lovely indeed.  Lots of people were commenting loudly, me one of them saying "Wow".  Rachel is so pleased with her treatment and so am I.  We met today 5 days after our Juvederm, inspecting each other's face.  Mine looks incredible, I had a very small bruise which disappeared after two days I just covered it up with foundation.  My nose to mouth lines have gone and the indents I had have also gone away and my mouth is not drooping, so I am chuffed to bits.  Rachel's cheek was slightly bruised  but she looks super, fresh, youthful and would have it done again and so we are united in our thoughts Juvederm is pretty much top of the fillers for us and it lasts longer I believe.

So I have uploaded the before and after photo's so you can see the difference and these photo's I took after are taken by myself as my husbands off sailing, so I had to take the snaps myself but they are ok and you can see what a major difference around the mouth once the Juvederm treatment had taken place.  There is more information on the Skin and laser Clinic Tunbridge Wells website and you can always ring for a consultation, I hope father Christmas brings me some new lips this year!!! Have fun.

Before Juvederm:  droop on mouth/indents

Droop and lines from nose to mouth and indents
After: look at the mouth no droop no indents or nose to mouth lines

After: Major change around lip droop and indents

Thursday 30 September 2010

Medical Pedicure- I'd never heard of it before but it was brilliant

My friend Christine had treated me to a pedicure for my birthday which was very kind.  I had the appointment booked for the Thursday of this week at a local beauty salon and so after returning from my holiday I’d let my feet go without any attention, they looked terrible. I had hard skin and the toenails had the residue of varnish repeatedly painted on top of each other, yuck! When I arrived at the Skin Clinic Natasha was one of the therapists in the room whilst I was having my T3 Fotona Rejuvenation laser treatment.  I think she had spotted my toes peeping out from my sandals because when I finished my laser treatment she suggested I should have a Medical Pedicure.  I was a bit embarrassed because I think my toes and feet did seem the worst for wear big time.  In the past I have had five operations on my feet and toes and so they are not the prettiest things I have on my body!
I wasn’t sure as my pedicure was booked for two days time and it had been a gift but I was quite ashamed of walking around with feet that needed a complete overhaul.  I also had what felt like an in growing toenail so that needed to be seen to as well. After the initial embarrassment at how bad they were I said to Natasha that I would go ahead.  Bemused too I had never heard of a medical pedicure before, so what was in store for my disgraced feet?  My normal pedicure I cancelled and chose a back massage instead.
Firstly it does not involve water, your feet are sprayed with antibacterial foot spray and all the utensils used for the Medical Pedicure are all sterilised and then placed under a UV light for complete bacterial free tools to start the pedicure.  Glancing at my toes they were quite awful, like little fat sausages and tired nails one of which was split.  Natasha discussed my feet and told me she felt I had vitamin D Deficiency and I did have an in grown toenail and it was painful to the touch.  Natasha explained that the pedicure was a very deep treatment and that she was able to remove the dead skin without cutting and the ingrown toenail would be removed during the process of the treatment.
Natasha started by using a small tool with a round tip that she used to grind down the length of the nail and go over the nail cleaning any stains made by the varnish and environment.  Afterwards another tool was used and this was a smaller nozzle and this was inserted around the whole toe removing skin and some of the large cuticle which had been given a chance to grow. Already my toes were looking so much better, the varnish had gone and also some residue of glitter that I’d jazzed my toes up with.  They were a real after holiday disaster.  Natasha then used another fitting of which was thicker again and she ran this over the toes, along the top of the nail and removed more hard skin.  I have such tiny nails on my smallest toes that it was amazing when she had removed some hard skin I could actually see the nail which had been covered for years and years, WOW! I had nails there!!
Placing a small implement all along the nails and removing even more residue of skin and presumably ingrained dirt Natasha was deeply engrossed in concentration.  I was sitting on a chair with one leg up in a stirrup type of leg support, feeling a little uncomfortable at one point Natasha asked if I would like a break but a little wiggle and jiggle in the seat and I was fine for her to carry on.  After really getting in every nook and cranny down the side of my toes, Natasha trimmed and used the tiniest of file and filed down the side of the nails after removing my in grown toenail, she filed up and down gently making sure the nail was not embedding anywhere on all my toes.  I found it all quite fascinating as my feet seriously were being transformed before my eyes. She continually used a disinfectant to make sure everything was kept scrupulously clean.  It was like a little operating room and Natasha wore a mask all the way through.  (It was OK not for the smell my feet were like roses they just had an awful appearance).
From horrendous to happy, my feet seemed pretty good.  A small whizzing sound and Natasha began to file down gently my hard skin, the tool she was using was a round shaped file and it rotated over the skin softening and removing the evidence of feet that had been working very hard for their owner.  Despite the scars I have on my feet (4 altogether) Natasha handled my feet in a caring way.  The second round file she attached buffed and polished the skin smoothing it down.  Finishing with a luxurious foot cream massaged in, it was divine.  We took some photos during the pedicure (I asked Natasha if they had a camera as I was amazed at the transformation when I peeped at the first foot after the treatment and looked at the foot before and compared them, we were both laughing).
So a medical pedicure is definitely more controlled with regard to infection, the session gives advice and certainly gets really deep down the side of each nail.  My toes did feel a little tender on leaving and the next day but my feet had never looked so good.  I just come back from my back massage in Heathfield (ouch it hurt) and today my feet appear brilliant and feel so clean and I bought myself some vitamin D supplements  and vitamin E oil to rub into my nails on the advice given from Natalie.
I didn’t leave with painted toe nails because I was short of time but Natasha certainly knows her stuff and told me she was trained with precision and I can see that.  I can walk now without wincing as my in grown toenail was painful but I am pain free now (Whoopee!) and I can honestly say my feet and toes have seriously never felt so good, in fact that night I got home I asked my husband to tickle them for me and I was quite proud of them as I wiggled them for his approval.

After my treatment on left foot

Before my treatment on right foot Oh dear hide!!!

                                            Natasha concentrating and working wonders!!

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Fotona Fractional T3 Photo Rejuvenation Treatment: Skin and Laser Clinic Tunbridge Wells- Ugly duckling to beautiful swan

Congratulating myself this week on a new job, helping people with alcohol addiction, I decided that before the hard work begins in two weeks time, I was again to drive the 40 mile round trip to Tunbridge Wells to the Skin and Laser Clinic for a treat especially for me.  To say I am a fan of their treatments would be an understatement.  I love it there, it makes you feel so good after a session of pampering.  Plus they have treatments which I have never heard of before but we will come to that later. You can look on their website

I had arranged for the T3 photo rejuvenation treatment, which is a laser and I was more than a little nervous.  Before I came to the appointment I kept on thinking, "How does it not form big lumps under the skin?" "Will it be painful?" "How does it not burn your skin?" "Oh dear, the drama queen part of me was doing it's best to wreck the relaxations side of this treatment", I thought out loud, "Pull yourself together Dawn, ask more questions if you're unsure when you get there!"

So on arrival I was met and welcomed by Toni the Assistant Manager, I enjoyed a large chiiled glass of water and then met my therapist/nurse for the laser treatment , her name was Aksana, what a pretty name.  Aksana explained that the treatment would be carried out in two seperate rooms, the first to cleanse and exfoliate my skin and then to move to the room with the laser.  Poor Aksana, within seconds of getting through the door I was babbling loads of questions that I needed to ask and get some answers to.  Aksana explained that the procedure was very safe, it works on the layer under the skin it would "Do the three T's, Tone, Tighten and improve the Texture." Laying my fears to rest she thoroughly went through exactly what she was going to do.  Lumps in my face (drama queen) were not an option either, this just wouldn't happen, it stimulates the growth of  new collagen production by producing localized thermal injury to the dermis that initiates a wound-healing response and the improvements take place over a period of time.  If anything Aksana comfortingly reassured me that my skin will feel smoother, pores would present as smaller and tighter skin would be evident.  Aksana asked if I minded if another member of the nursing staff was present during the treatment, the more the merrier I thought, hoping more people to help if I really let my nerves get the better of me.

Lying down in the laser room, I had been cleansed and exfoliated and then Aksana described what was going to happen next.  All members of the team had to wear protective glasses and I would also need to wear them too, only mine were slightly different.  Their glasses were more like small skiing goggles but mine were silver and like large ants eyes, they covered my eyes with muslin/cotton wool underneath for extra comfort and protection.  Running verbally through how the laser was going to be passed over my skin in three different directions all over my face, upper lip and my neck but not decolletage, as I was not having that area treated. Aksana discussed that once this had happened she was going to then change the nozzle on the laser and then the second pass would be hotter than the first pass.  I have to admit I was very very nervous, despite the fact that we had spent ages chatting through the procedure, risks e.t.c I was still apprehensive and unsure but determined all would be fine because I have nothing but respect for the way the clinic treat their clients and it always seems so clean and professional.  So here we go!!!  I could feel me clenching my hands together in anticipation and specualtion of what it was going to really be like experiencing the laser and what the results would show at the end of the day and the next day to.

Eyes shut and covered, my hands clenched tight and occssionally writhing around my nuckles, Aksana told me she would talk to me all the way through, so I knew exactly what she was going to do next.  She was brilliant, as the laser was passed over my cheeks it made a clicking beep sound and with every click it felt a little warmer, it wasn't too hot and quite bearable.  Click/beep, click/beep, click/beep, click/beep, click/beep done and then she moved onto the next area, the warmth subsides quickly.  After the three directional passes, I could feel my cheeks flushing, not burning but just like you'd danced with gusto, passion and then sat down. When Aksana run the laser overy my forehead that appeared very sensitive and hotter and she used a cooler onto the skin to help.  Blasts of cool air hit my forehead and it felt wonderfully chilled.  At one point it felt like my skin felt tighter already, I commented on this during the laser treatment. Three passes had been completed over both cheeks, forehead, under my eyes but not to near them, on my chin and under my neck ( I hate my neck, turkey gobbler on the way, been exercising and trying to loose weight to reduce it). 

Aksana spent some more time reassuring me about the next part of the treatment.  "I am going to pass the laser across the skin again but this time it will get hotter.  When you feel it is hot enough for you please tell me and I will move onto the next part to treat".  "Ok, I will let you know", I experienced more nerves at this point "How much hotter will it get?" "Am I going to burn myself if I don't say stop if it gets too hot?"  Again my drama queen head was wrong, as the laser passed over my skin as it got hotter I just said "yes" and  Aksana moved on, it was definately hotter than the first passes but I think through nerves and the unknown I was quite conservative with my "Yes's" "Yes," Yes, " Yes" but she always stopped as soon as I said yes so I felt in control.  We chatted after the treatment finished and I was shown my face in the mirror, I was laying down and looked a little puffy in the face but I think that's because I was horizontal, I didn't look puffy when I looked in the mirror at home.  Today is the next day after the T3 and I can see my neck is not so wrinkly than yesterday, I am begining to see a difference in my face already, the skin feels tighter.  I saw my reflection today and my neck is improved.

The clinic reccomends 3 treatments, I have another one booked for about 4 weeks time and I am going to their Juvederm open evening on Thursday 7th October and I believe you can just ring up and book a place, I saw a poster in the clinic for the evening but places are limited so get ringing the number is 01892 535577.  If you can go come and find me so we can have a chat if you've read my blog, ask me questions about my treatments I am more than happy to give you my opinion and truthful answers.  Getting back to vast array of treatments listed, whislt I was there I was offered a medical pedicure instead of the the traditional pedicure.  I had never heard of a medical pedicure so I decided to give it a go, they had to be very brave to face my feet but that's my next blog.  Happy days, just off to look at my face again and see how I am turning from an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan :-) Changes are supposed to take place over the next few months on my skin as the collagen renews itself and because I have another appointment booked in four weeks I will keep you updated on the progress the treatment has on my skins tone texture and tightness of the skin.


Friday 17 September 2010

Skin Master rejuventation System at Med Spa Royal Tunbridge Wells Skin and Laser Clinic

Just got back from Corfu where I celebrated my 48th birthday at an all inclusive hotel, (too much vino and food). Lazing back in the sun, factor 50 applied to my face I often looked like Casper the ghost but relaxing back I dreamt of being a Six Million Dollar woman and if you are about or near my age, you'll remember there was once a six million dollar man who had been rebuilt!! So on my return to the UK, I decided I have to loose weight, get fitter and keep up my beauty treatments, boy do I feel I need them at the moment.

I booked a Skin Master Skin Rejuvenation System at the Med Spa Royal Tunbridge Wells, after my facial treatment for my pigmentation on my forehead was so successfully removed.  I felt dehydrated, the wine and whisky on holiday had dehydrated me and I generally felt a little washed out after swimming in the sea everyday.  So I needed a kick start to get me going, let's just say in many ways.

Always a friendly warm smile greets me when I go the Med Spa Clinic and was asked to go upstairs to one of the treatment rooms.  Laying down and swathed in a warm towel I was pleased to relax and lay back.  Natasha the therapist explained about the SkinMaster Rejuvenation System and how it would be carried out, I was completely new to this treatment so was really interested and of course most of all what it was going to do for me? It sounded exciting, intriguing and somewhat mesmerising.  I'd never seen a machine or the attachments that were on it before, they were certainly different. 

So here goes, soft warm bubbles engulfed my skin as my face was cleansed, soothing sponges removed the bubbles and then my face was gently exfoliated, a beautiful aroma filled the room when a peel mask was applied.  Cooling, chill out time as I laid quietly whilst it was left to work.  It wasn't on for too long and once removed Natasha started up the SkinMaster machine and it's difficult to describe but the hand held tool was like a small scraper you would use to remove wallpaper, (trust me I have a great imagination, don't panic, it felt great)  It was gently moved over the whole of my face, it felt wonderful like it was removing the top layer and getting rid of all the unwanted dead skin cells.  It didn't hurt but tingled as it slid along the sensation was unusual but pleasant.  I can honestly say my skin felt brilliant! Afterwards my skin did feel like it was glowing and then I thought "Oh dear I am going to look like a red beetroot when I leave!" but no sooner as those thoughts had come Natasha was applying a cooling oxygen face mask.  "ohh, it was so lovely, incredibly cooling, I thought boy I have gone to heaven". 

Chilled to the brim, I had been cleansed, exfoliated, purified, toned and thoroughly spoilt where facails go but this was not the end of it. Whilst the mask dried Natasha massaged my arms, a deep massage, I was thinking "ohh, Ahh", but I needed a real good destress and that's exactly what I was getting. I thought, please don't let me snore if I fall asleep, that would be terrible but I managed to stay awake (only just).  A tightening effect of the mask left me thinking in anticipation, what's going to happen next?

After the oxygene mask was removed a muslin enzyme mask was laid over my whole face apart from a breathe hole for my mouth and some peeky bits for my eyes. Another nozzle was put on the machine and this seemed to be pulsating and purifying  at the same time, pushing antioxidants deep into my skin, (only know this because I asked Natasha), it puffed and seemed warm but not hot.  My muscles were then toned and Natasha fisinished off with a fabulous neck and face massage.  It was devine, she then put on some vitamin c cream and a suncream and final moisturiser.

"Wow, Wow, Wow!" I absolutely loved it and my fears over a beetroot face were unfounded.  I was glowing but in a way I have never felt before, I've had lots of facials in the past at other places but this had to be the top champagne version. I used to do alot of TV work so looking good was important to me but having said that I turned up one day to film on Midsomer Murders and they blackened my teeth and put me in old clothes and back combed my hair and blackened my face, I was livid as the filming was at a mansion and I thought I would be glammed up!!!

So I am a bit of a cosmetic proceedure fan, I have had my upper eyelids done and a tummy tuck too. So my continued quest for getting fit and loosing some weight goes on and so does my quest for my beauty treatments.  I need to do something about my wobbly neck? Not sure what yet? Anyone any ideas? Best ask the clinic, they really do give honest answers.  I have had several of my friends go to the clinic now since I reccommended them and I will say they do not take money or give treatments just to make money.  My friend had gone this week just before me and she had said what excellent service she recieved and how honest they seemed and I really do agree. Well Since my treatment my skin really has felt so hydrated, fresh and toned, I am really really pleased with the results, something new to me and I will definately reccomend it for a facial rejuvenation System, the SkinMaster was fab, I've been texting my friends back and I just put love from young and gorgeous :-) that's how it made me feel.

Friday 3 September 2010

IPL Treatment at Tunbridge Wells Laser and Skin clinic

Working in high crisis settings such as an Addictions Counsellor and as a Domestic Violence Outreach worker, over the years it had taken its toll. Two grown up sons, who have been hard work but wonderful, a busy travelling husband, a more than crazy work schedule, I was often frazzled, mentally, physically and my reflection said “ worn out”, the mirror said ‘fossil face’, OK, I know that’s really ridiculous and extreme but I love drama. Last year I had appeared 15 times on This Morning programme with Philip and Fern representing women in their forties, I had been rigorously testing beauty products. Once I was covered in mud and seaweed, laying under hot studio lights and told Philip Schofield “I smell like an out of date prawn! Yukk!” Now why did he find that funny?

So my 48th birthday is looming and I have been thinking hard and long about “Me”, yes I have decided to try to care for myself for a change and I have planned to have a few facial treatments to rejuvenate the Dawn that’s hibernated. Amazingly I have decided I am going to emerge from my somewhat bettered shell but for myself.

I had become increasingly aware that the brown pigmentation marks on my forehead, had started to really bother me. Firstly they looked ageing and unsightly and you hear so much about the skin cancer, I was determined to find a treatment that was safe and worked.

Trawling the Internet, I searched excitedly for treatment and then came across the Royal Tunbridge Wells Skin and Laser Clinic. Nervously I dialled the number and made an appointment for a free consultation. Seven days later I entered the clinic, very apprehensive but as soon as I arrived two very reassuring warm smiling faces greeted me. Shown to a big comfy sofa and made offered tea or coffee was perfect after my long drive. Everyone had an air of confidence and this made me feel at ease.

During my consultation, all aspects of my treatment were explained clearly to me. Engaging well in conversation with me the doctor explained the procedure, she used the computer to show me images and I was given leaflets and an opportunity to ask questions. I was asked if it was alright to carry out a patch test before the treatment, which I thought was great and again there was no charge for the patch test. I never felt pressurised into agreeing to my treatment and was encouraged to wait if I was going on holiday.

Over the following week the patch test was fine and no problems occurred.

Several weeks later I returned to the clinic for my treatment. I had opted for IPL on the doctor’s advice. A scrupulously clean room awaited me and the doctor checked I was healthy and the patch test was OK.

Laying down looking up my IPL treatment began. It wasn’t painful, just a flicking feeling against the skin. I had to wear goggles and gel was placed on my forehead. During my care, I was treated with great respect, the doctor checking I was alright all the way through the procedure. I felt calm and the doctor talked to me about my beauty routine and how I can protect my skin from further damage.

The pigmentation was expected to go darker after the treatment and then form a scab and come away. In my mind, I thought that sounded horrible but it really wasn’t anything like it sounded. As the pigmentation darkened it seemed to come away like tiny small flecks like a minute splinter. It’s incredibly funny how we build up pictures in our minds about how something will be and then when it happens it’s completely different. I was told the pigmentation would take 7-10 days to disappear and true to the doctors word after about 8 days my forehead looked fantastic, clear and rejuvenated, it was wonderful. After 7 days I had treated myself to a peel off face mask and this helped the treated pigmentation come away. My skin looks brilliant, I am now free from those brown marks which annoyed and at times worried me so much each time I looked in the mirror.

On the Clinic’s advice I am wearing factor 50 sun cream every day now without fail. Completely satisfied 100%, I have now started to have some more facial treatments. I booked an appointment and had my red thread veins removed from my nose. The Skin and Laser Clinic’s doctors have done a great job and I took four of my friends along last week for consultations after they have seen the results of my treatments. Next I am having some filler and also a rejuvenation treatment for my face. So from ‘fossil face’ to ‘beautiful face’.

I believe it doesn’t matter what age we are, we all want to look good, my husband raises his eyebrows when I say I am having something else done but I don’t care what he thinks, he may raise his eyebrows but as it raises my self-esteem and makes me feel on top of the world.

Dawn Gregory