Wednesday 13 October 2010

Juve'derm Ultra 3 and 4 facial fillers at The Skin and Laser Clinic Tunbridge Wells

Excitement and apprehension filled the car.  Rachel and I were off to The Skin and laser Clinic in Tunbridge Wells, about a 20 mile journey or so from our house.  I had been asked by Toni the assistant Manager if I would like to be a model for the evening for a Juvederm event? Try and stop me, I have had fillers in the past called Restyalne,  over the last 8 years as I have a bit of a problem where the sides of my mouth droop slightly making me look a little like a bulldog just aquiring their features :-)  and there are dips just under the corners of my mouth which look ageing. I'd asked Toni if she needed another model and Toni said they were looking for a model to try cheek filler, I knew I had the ideal candidate, my lovely close friend Rachel.

Buzzing with energy we were asking each other how we thought the evening and fillers would work out? Wondering how the fillers would compare to the old filler we'd had in the past.  On arrival at the clinic we were greeted as always with big smiles and a very warm welcome and to make it really special a chilled glass of champagne.  We checked we were allowed to have it prior to our treatment as we were concerned that it may thin the blood and make us bleed a little more at the injection site but we were told to enjoy it and we did, eyes sparkling as we raised our glasses to our faces !!!

Quickly after arrival we were taken to a treatment room and they applied some numbing cream, it was funny, everyone was laughing and commenting that I looked like I had a big droopy white moustache but still managed to sip my champagne as my numbing cream got to work.  I was able to spend some time speaking to the lady from the company who made Juvederm and she was explaining to Rachel and I that the Juvederm already contained a local anaesthetic called lidocaine so the Juvederm would also numb as it was injected.  In the past when I was injected with Restylane my toes curled, my teeth were gritted and my hands rolled into fists whilst the injections were put in.  I was interested to see how Juvederm would vary to the old filler and was it going to be "OUCH, OUCH" or was it going to be bliss?  Well as blissful as any injections could be. Friends of ours arrived and came and said "Hello", it was a nice little meeting as we waited for the invited guests to watch the procedure.  I know as I have started to age the nasal lines to my mouth have deepened but my droopy mouth made me look somewhat miserable like Wednesday night and I then I realise I haven't won the lottery again.

Continuing to listen intently to the Juvederm representative, I was informed the Juvederm would rehydrate the skin and replace the loss of volume in my lower face, she said it would not feel lumpy and it was a smooth gel of excellent quality and a trusted safe product.  Explaining clearly that Juvederm is not granular so it flows easily into the skin and it will result in a youthful and natural contour exactly where I wanted it.  "Give it to me now!"  It sounds wonderful and boy do I need it.  My visit to get fillers done was long overdue but after breaking my leg in a skiing accident had left me unable to drive and not get about too easy.  Juvederm comes in different grades and the grad they were going to use for my facial filler was Juvederm ULTRA 3 and Rachel was going to have Juvederm ULTRA 4. 

Before I left home I had asked my husband to take some before shots with our camera, they are not brilliant but you can see from the photo's I take after the procedure that there is a superb improvement but let's get to what it felt like now.  Guests filed in and clutching their chilled champagne, everyone watched the injections being done and it was also put on a large screen so all eyes could see the procedure close up.  You will not see me sporting a nose like Pinocchio as I can honestly say the injections were the most painless I have ever had, I could feel a slight tingle as the needle went in but my teeth were not gritted, my toes relaxed and although my hands were curled around each other that was because I was still apprehensive but that was a waste of emotions as it was virtually painless for me.  I could feel the needle going in like slight pressure but no pain.  I was first injected just under the nose to the left on the facial nose to mouth lines, then  Dr Nina Sheffield made her way down the lines to my lips and then the area of my face which needed help badly and my mouth raised up into a beautiful shape.  Everything was very clinical and kept scrupulously clean during the whole time.  The room is mostly white in decoration and you can see how much cleanliness is a priority.  I could see my face transforming on the screen and everyone who was watching had been given a talk about Juvederm from the rep and they were invited to ask me questions and also come and talk to me after the event for a closer look.  After the treatment I was given a mirror to look in close up and I thought my face was absolutely brilliantly done.  It seemed a lot less injections than when I had the other product so that was strange and yet the results were fantastic in a very short space of time, I could have had it done in my lunch hour and back to work. 

My face appeared a bit red at the injection sites for a while but ten minutes later people were saying "You look great!" I felt great, I could see immediate results and I was in no way dissapointed but very excited about the next morning too when I can put on my make up and face the world with my new face, it was a major difference and I loved it.  Lots of guests asked me tons of questions "Did it hurt?" "No, it was fine", "Does it feel lumpy/" "No it feels smooth, a little tender but no it felt soft to touch", "Would you have it again?" "Most definately yes and I have been thinking about getting my lips done but very very subtle." 
The costs vary as there are different grades but the clinic will always give a consultation prior to the treamtent and you would then know how much the Juvederm you would need would cost.  I had a glass of chilled water as I was driving and as I drank the water I joked how I was trying out my new face to see if it worked and guess what it worked perfectly.

Rachel then took her place for her treatment, this was fascinating as although both of us have had fillers before we had never seen an enhancement for the cheeks.  Rachel thought they would inject under the cheek bone to build up the cheek but in fact they injected onto the top of the cheek.  it was amazing to watch it being done, everyone was captivated.  They seem to inject like a triangle shape into the cheek but it lifts the cheek, side of the nose to mouth lines and transformed Rachel's face instantly into a youthful and plump looking gorgeous woman.  It was performed very quickly indeed but expertly too, this was carried out by Dr. Barbara Kubicka.  When rachel sat up she had two very rosy plump looking cheeks, she looked a tinsy bit like her grandaughter, she looked so lovely indeed.  Lots of people were commenting loudly, me one of them saying "Wow".  Rachel is so pleased with her treatment and so am I.  We met today 5 days after our Juvederm, inspecting each other's face.  Mine looks incredible, I had a very small bruise which disappeared after two days I just covered it up with foundation.  My nose to mouth lines have gone and the indents I had have also gone away and my mouth is not drooping, so I am chuffed to bits.  Rachel's cheek was slightly bruised  but she looks super, fresh, youthful and would have it done again and so we are united in our thoughts Juvederm is pretty much top of the fillers for us and it lasts longer I believe.

So I have uploaded the before and after photo's so you can see the difference and these photo's I took after are taken by myself as my husbands off sailing, so I had to take the snaps myself but they are ok and you can see what a major difference around the mouth once the Juvederm treatment had taken place.  There is more information on the Skin and laser Clinic Tunbridge Wells website and you can always ring for a consultation, I hope father Christmas brings me some new lips this year!!! Have fun.

Before Juvederm:  droop on mouth/indents

Droop and lines from nose to mouth and indents
After: look at the mouth no droop no indents or nose to mouth lines

After: Major change around lip droop and indents